In Zell am See you find a very good infrastructure with a lot of doctors. If you need to see one, Fam. Pfeffer will tell you the business hours.
The closest pharmacy is called "Zur Mariahilf" and is located in the city of Zell am See. The address is Bahnhofstraße 3 and the phone number +43 6542 / 72581.
Referring to the weekends, please be informed by Fam. Pfeffer.
The next train station is located in the city of Zell am See, about 2 km from here.
The next cash mashine is located in the city of Zell am See, about 2 km from here.
About 5 minutes from here you will find the next bus stop called “Zell am See Friedhof” for tours to Zell am See/City and to Saalfelden.
Every 30 minutes a bus will go to Zell am See (3 minutes driving)
Every 60 minutes a bus will go to Saalfelden (20 minutes driving)
You will be informed by Fam. Pfeffer about the exact departures.
The next hospital you will find at the Paracelsusstraße 8 in Zell am See. Phone Number: +43 6542 / 7770